T1 — a truly unique, no-coding required system that makes glucose testing simple, convenient and intuitive for diabetic patients. Slim is great and less is more. Worldwide only one glucose meter less than 1 cm in thickness. The best solution for traveling use.

[NOTE] *EASYMAX lancing device is NOT supplied to USA.*
Small enough for your purse or pocket, take it on the go so you can continue testing even when on a trip. Although small, it packs important features including easy-to-read display, last memory and NFC connectivity.
An easy-to-use device, there is no coding required to make it work, taking just five seconds to test with a tiny blood sample of 0.6 microlitres.
One secure NFC technology with T1 Glucose Meter is as a way of improving the management of diabetes for easing the treatment of many problematic medical conditions.
Features of Blood Glucose Meter
1. Fast - accurate results in just 5 seconds
2. Easy - easy-to-read screen and simple 3-step testing
3. Thin - Just the right size to fit in your pocket or purse
4. Small - Only a small blood sample is required for testing
5. Smart - Blood glucose monitoring system displays time and date with each test.
Specification of Blood Glucose Meter
